The Blooming Prairie Street Department is a two man department. One of their many responsibilities is taking care of all five (5) city parks. They are also in charge of maintenance of the public swimming pool, and ice rink located at Victory Field Park.
The department is responsible for approximately 30 miles of streets, alleys, and gravel roads for snow removal. They also remove snow in the downtown area, ice rink, city shop and wastewater treatment plant. Another responsibility is to oversee tree removal, tree trimming on city boulevards, seal coating, street overlays, storm sewers, and sidewalk maintenance. The department also maintains stop signs, yield signs, and other street signs.
Some major equipment owned by the city to help in maintaining Blooming Prairie are four 4 dump trucks, a grader, a loader, and a street sweeper.
Public Works Director- Tony Motl
PW Employees: